One Soul Two Bodies – 1 Hidden Reason: The Profound Twin Flames Connection

One Soul Two Bodies

What is meaning of One Soul Two Bodies? Why a soul incarnate in two bodies? One Soul Two Bodies: The Eternal Connection In the vast expanse of existence, we are ethereal entities, and our natural abode resides within the Spirit world. Our earthly journey unfolds as a quest for knowledge, enjoyment, and personal evolution, forged … Read more

What happens if one twin flame is more evolved? | Fallen & Waiting | 500 years

twin flame is more evolved




TF-41 (HINDI) Why twin flames have different levels? | Jnana Param


TF-70 (English) Why twin flames have different levels? | Ritu Om

What Happens When One Twin Flame Is on a Higher Level or one twin flame is more evolved?

In this post, we will discuss what happens if one twin flame is on a higher level i.e. one twin flame is more evolved and the other is on a lower level.

As we learned in our previous post, the spirit world has seven realms. Now, let’s talk about twin flames.

Understanding Twin Flames

Every soul has a twin flame.

It can be very challenging when one twin is on a higher level i.e. one twin flame is more evolved and the other on a lower level.

The twin on the higher level must wait for the other to catch up.

Helping Each Other Grow

The twin who is on a higher level in the spirit world needs to encourage the one on Earth, who is on a lower level.

This is a difficult task.

All twin flames want to be together, whether their other half is a good or bad soul.

The Challenge of Dormant Subconscious Minds

A person on Earth who has let their subconscious mind become dormant and refuses to follow their guide’s guidance creates a big problem for spirit beings.

It’s a very hard task for one twin to help the other follow the right path.

Waiting for the Right Time

Very few twins are on the same level, so the higher-level twin has to wait.

This wait is not just for a few years but can be 500 or 600 years, sometimes even longer.

If a soul is in Realms 1, 2, or 3, it will take many Earth years to rise higher, sometimes even thousands of years.

The Strong Desire to Reunite

The desire of the twin who is waiting is so strong that they might even take birth on Earth to help their twin.

Sometimes they succeed, but often they might also fall to a lower level.

The Connection Between Spirit and Earth

This is how the spirit world and the Earth world continue.

When a person on Earth makes their subconscious mind dormant and their guide fails to help them, it is up to their twin flame to help them improve.

The Importance of Self-Improvement

Bringing a fallen twin on Earth to a higher level in spirit world is a tough job when one twin flame is more evolved.

So, it’s important to work on yourself, improve, and rise to a higher level quickly.

Helpful Resources

See also:
