Its been over 4y to knowing and over 30 years of not knowing that love existed for me in the form that I have always desired!
Then TF journey dawned on me by chance when I was trying to make sense of how I/ we felt so strongly even after absolute separation for 25 years!
Ever since its been a journey of ups and many more downs! However in the last few months ever since I started the “guidance” in the journey, ie performing the kriyas, understanding the TFJ, getting away from unnecessary distractions, facing the mirror and my truths, most importantly trying to love myself, things are much calmer inside and outside me and I am able to handle the downs of the TFJ much better!
I continue to seek guidance and somehow was to reduce the “expectations” from my TF and myself so that this brings in peace within and self love!
Salutations to all my guides and teachers. Namaste