How Inner work has been life benifiting.

We started six months back, it was a very beautiful and steady journey, every step with Sir was a very insightful one.

During Each session inputs, techniques and tools were given for our growth, to help us stand up on our own feet. Basically this course teaches you to be self sufficient and feel wholesome with in your self.

When I started I had health issues and severe anxiety. By the end of the course 80% of problems were resolved, also the people around me became more loving.

It helped me understand myself from with in and look into the direction of peace, love and joy. We all have became a soul family, and Divine blessed me with the right path by sending me Sir and Mam’s guidance.

As per the twin journey, what I understood is all we have to do is clear our karma/blocks and come into union, with divines blessings and will.

A whole hearted thanks to Sir and Mam. Thanks to Divine.
