Pre Inner Work – Twin Flame Foundation 16 min read



Next batch is starts from

Next Class date: 6th August
Time: Evening 7:00 PM IST
Language: Hindi/English
Teacher: Ritu Om/Param
Location: Online(Zoom)


  1. Classes might get postponed if batch have less than 10 students.

Aim of Pre Inner Work

The aim of basic inner work 1 program is to teach you tools and techniques so that you can have more peace and clarity. So inner work can be done by everyone.

This program enables you to identify and heal issues that are coming between you and your twin flame.

This program is also a prerequisite to become a certified Twin Flames Coach.

What You Will Get

Course Outline

Utilizing the knowledge from ancient Yogic Wisdom and modern Energy Clearing techniques, this program teaches following:

  1. Preparation Kriyas to raise your frequency and awareness thus making you immune to the ups and downs of your journey.
  2. Life Transformation tools and techniques.
  3. Communication techniques to communicate with soul aspect of your spirit guide/soulmate/twin flame to get answers to questions about your journey.
  4. Freedom from energetic blockages by using Energy clearing tools and techniques. For e.g.
    1. Clearing anxiety or heaviness
    2. Clearing of sadness
    3. Clearing past lovers energy
    4. Clearing of beliefs
    5. Basic Chakra clearing to clear energy of other people from you and your twin flame
    6. Healing of old hurts
    7. Healing fears
    8. And more…
  5. Audio recordings of energy clearing tools both in Hindi and English language.
  6. Total change in perception
  7. Spiritual growth
  8. Opening up of gateway to abundance
  9. Increased intuitive and concentration power to manifest your desire.
  10. Limited Offline Support by teachers.
  11. ‘Shubharambh’ Attunement/Initiation for blessed start by our Spiritual Teacher Yogi Buddhadeva in the last class of this program.
  12. [Optional] Facilitation of Initiation for Kriya Kundalini Yoga by Yogi Buddhadeva, if you are prepared and wishes to get initiated.

What Not to Expect

Do not expect this

Do not expect that this program will solve all your problems or fears overnight.

Do not expect that union mean getting married with your twin flame. Union means that you are in peace and harmony with your twin flame. See video series below explaining various aspects of twin flame union.

All about Twin flame union

Lots of practice of tools and techniques from this program is to be done by you before you can reach a harmonious state with your twin flame.

And depending on your karma baggage OR the trauma you have faced in this or previous life times, you may also need extra time to come into harmony with your twin flame.

What You Can Expect

what to expect

Expect to learn some meditation techniques and some energy clearing tools specific to twin flame journey.

Expect to practice these tools and techniques with discipline and regularity.

Practice of these tools and techniques will help you to get prepared for the higher tools and techniques, that we teach in Basic Inner work 2 course.

Inner Work Classes Detail

classes details
  • Total inner work classes: 2
    • These classes helps in setting up foundation for Basic Inner work
  • Class frequency: Two weekends in a row
  • Class duration: 1.5
  • Class types:
    • Group: A group of students doing inner work and moving ahead together on their journey.
  • Course duration – Approx. Two Weeks


How we support Students?

Students are given access to our website so that they can view their homework and other helpful videos.

We answer questions related to the course material i.e. meditation techniques and healing tools, on priority basis, so that a student is able to continue their daily meditation practice and healings.

We encourage students to ask other remaining questions during the second live classes, that are not related to course content.

Please understand that this is an Inner work course and not a coaching class. For personal coaching you can avail our coaching sessions. See details here.

How we handle student’s Privacy?

Privacy of our students is our top priority.

We don’t publicly post videos of our classes to YouTube or anywhere else.

We only post our free healing sessions to YouTube and other platforms.

Do we provide recordings of session?

No, we don’t provide recording.

Recordings are provided Energy clearing techniques so that student can use these recordings whenever they need them.

What happens if you have to miss a class?

If you miss your session, then you will be adjusted in next batch.

What happens if minimum students are not there for a class?

In this case the class will be postponed by a week so that more students can join this batch.

Please understand that everything happens by divine will and divine timing.

If you are planning to join this course then it’s best to book your seat as soon as possible, instead of leaving the booking to last days.

Fees & Discounts



Note: Use Fee calculator in following section to get an idea of total fee after discounts

College Student Discount

Additional 25% discount: If you are a College student plus you are not doing a job then you can get a 25% discount coupon code by sending us your valid college ID card.

Fees Details


See further applicable discounts in “Discounts” section above.

U.S.D. vs I.N.R. prices

USD Prices – are for people who are Foreign nationals OR they are residing outside India.
INR Prices – are only for people who are residents of India AND are also physically residing in India.

[supsystic-price-table id=20]

Note: Fee & Discount calculation is effective from 22nd Feb(02) 2022.

Fee Rules

Fees Rules
  • All Fees are to be paid in advance.
  • The fee once received will be non-refundable.
  • The fee once received is non-transferable i.e. It won’t be adjusted in any other course.
  • The fee once received is forfeited if the services are not availed at the scheduled time.
  • The fee is subject to change without prior notice. So, by paying fees in advance, you are not affected by any price changes.
  • International students Foreign nationals or People residing outside India are considered international residents. (Note: Your Country appears to be -> United States of America)

Fee F.A.Q.

I find the course fees high as an international student. Can I get a discount?

We understand that course fees can be a concern, particularly for those joining from outside India. We deeply appreciate your dedication to our programs. Please know that our fees are determined considering various factors related to different countries.

We recognize that economic circumstances can present challenges, and we empathize with your personal situation. While we can’t provide individual fee adjustments, we do offer a variety of courses and materials designed to accommodate diverse budgets. Our aim is to make our teachings accessible to as many people as possible.

We encourage you to explore our alternative offerings that might align better with your budget. Rest assured, we’re here to support your personal growth and journey. Thank you for considering our programs.

Q: Can you not send money to India from your country?

A: If you reside in a country like Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc., where sending fees to foreign countries is restricted, please contact us. We will examine your situation.

  • We may request you donate an amount equal to the program fee to a charitable organization in your country and provide us with the donation receipt.

You can send a message to our admin below.

TF-544 You can not transfer fund to India to pay our inner Work Fee | Hindi

Calculate Fee


Book Your Seat

book your seat

You can deposit fee and send us receipt.

Inner Work Experience
